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Hitit will provide enhanced retailing capabilities for its partners through its new IATA ARM recognition



Hitit has opened a new chapter as a leading airline retailing provider recognized as meeting the requirements of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Airline Retailing Maturity (ARM) index, the newest IATA tool to provide visibility into rich-content distribution and fulfillment following up on IATA ONE Order and NDC. Being already accredited at NDC Level 4 both as IT Provider and Aggregator and a long-time provider of airline retailing solutions, Hitit has been a match for the latest IATA ARM Index requirements right from the get-go.

Hitit was recognized by IATA under the recently released Airline Retailing Maturity (ARM) Index recognition as a system provider for both Airlines and Sellers. IATA’s ARM index was created to recognize the evolving industry landscape where airline retailing has increasingly come to the fore by building upon the foundation laid down with IATA’s NDC and ONE Order initiatives over the last decade. Such trends only accelerated post-Covid as airlines prioritize more flexible and robust capabilities to better cope with rapidly changing conditions going forward.


Hitit, being previously certified at the highest NDC level on 17.2 and 20.1 schemas as both IT Provider and Aggregator, and already having an active airline retailing platform among its solution portfolio, has directly fulfilled the requirements and completed the recognition process for the ARM Index, which was launched by IATA at the end of October. Hitit is thus ready to serve its airline partners with IATA ARM compliance, allowing for wider reach and greater scalability of their existing retailing capabilities.



Nevra Onursal Karaagac, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer at Hitit, said: “As Hitit, we closely examine all industry developments and integrate all innovations into our solutions and services in the fastest way. An example of this is our rapid inclusion in the IATA ARM index. As the strategic partner of IATA, for many years we have adapted to all the innovations under the umbrella of NDC. IATA’s new index structure allows Hitit to reflect its capacity better. We’ve already proven our agile and flexible structure in airline retailing in providing our partners, on average 24% revenue, from ancillary sales. Now we are fully ready to raise our partner airlines not only into the skies but also in their financials.”  


Hitit is one of the important actors helping to push our industry forward


Yanik Hoyles, Director Distribution at IATA said: “We are happy to welcome Hitit among this first wave of airline retailing pioneers recognized under the recently released Airline Retailing Maturity index, which will help airlines and their partners to have visibility in airline retailing. As a long-time IATA Strategic Partner and the system provider to more than 50 airlines around the world, Hitit is one of the important actors helping to push our industry forward by promoting better and faster adoption.”

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