As part of its ongoing preparations for the summer season, Kuwait Airways Company announced 17 new destinations as part of the summer season’s remarkable recovery in travel. Eng. Maen Razouqi, CEO of the company, announced in a press release that the number of destinations will grow to 57 starting in the month of May.
Razouqi pointed out that Malacca, Moscow, Sarajevo, Nice, Salalah, Sharm El Sheikh, Sohag, Alexandria, Mykanos, Bodrum, Trabzon, Vienna, Madrid, Casablanca, Manchester, Kathmandu and Kuala Lumpur will be served by the new destinations. Kuwait Airways opted for destinations that are highly desired by all social segments, be it business, tourism, or education, he mentioned. Throughout the meeting, Rozouqi stressed the company’s commitment to providing its passengers with the best quality of service, and he added that every service is being updated to keep up with the most recent developments in the aviation sector. Kuwait Airways launched the new travel destinations to meet traveler demand and to keep pace with Kuwait Airways’ strategy.